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National Patient Recognition Week 2024: Prioritising Patient Safety and Wellbeing with BEAMS

Patients and Their Contribution to Healthcare

As part of National Patient Recognition Week from February 1st to 7th, our focus shifts to possibly unrecognised heroes of our healthcare journey: the patients. Their strength, resilience, and trust in healthcare systems underpins clinical practice and healthcare delivery. 

The Shift Towards Patient-Centric Care:

The focus of healthcare has been steadily moving from disease-centric to patient-centric models over recent years. This means more than just treating ailments—it encompasses understanding, empathy, and creating environments conducive to holistic healing. 

Ensuring Safety Amidst Evolving Healthcare Spaces:

Progress in healthcare designs, like single-room accommodation for better privacy and dignity, creates a parallel challenge of ensuring that bedside equipment alarms don’t go unnoticed, as walls and doors form additional barriers between audible alerts and ward staff. It’s essential that as patient experience is improved; safety is not compromised. 

BEAMS: A Testament to Patient Safety:

BEAMS (Bedside Equipment Alarm Monitoring System) by Tutum Medical has been designed and created to address this point. By acoustically monitoring and alerting staff of any bedside device alarms, BEAMS ensures that even in the most tranquil and private of settings, no critical alert goes unheard. 

Recognising and Responding: A Call to Action this Week:

National Patient Recognition Week is not just about acknowledging patients but also about introspection. How can the patient journey be improved? What steps can be taken to improve their inpatient experience, and aid healing through a holistic approach?. Incorporating systems like BEAMS demonstrates commitment to ensuring that patient well-being remains at the forefront of care. 

Get in Touch with Tutum Medical:

Would you like to know how BEAMS helps create tranquil and safe wards? Contact us at Tutum Medical and discover the difference BEAMS can make. 

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